Heyoka is a non-profit academy helping to inspire lifelong learning
Why "heyoka"?
Partnering with Local Communities
Heyoka runs hyper-specialised paid batches during weekend and for every such batch, we fully fund students on the same topics who come from underprivileged backgrounds.
Heyoka school is run by backward walking individuals who hold qualifications acceptable and encouraged by society but have learned through application.
With advanced Engineering degrees, decades of corporate experience and countless hours of training and consultations to top engineering, automotive and aerospace R&D organizations, we have applied ourselves in the real world and have realised that there is a much better route to learning - which is often not travelled.
"Heyoka" is a backward walking clown in the native red-Indian culture, inspired by mention in well known docuseries - "The Last Dance".
We aim to be a space where learners are encouraged to walk in a different direction if that is the best for their way of understanding so-called "complex" subjects. It is a place for rebels and lifelong learners and who seek knowledge not for an outcome, but for internal fulfilment.
To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as an authentic, ethical partner.
Our team
S Chakrabarty
With Masters in Automotive engineering and 15+ years of experience in the engineering simulations organization HQ'ed in the US that is the oldest in this business.
Have led countless technical training hours to most prestigious R&D organizations of India and abroad, consultations on process developments and currently heading business of varied industries. Engineering simulations are one of the best practical applications of mathematics and science that lead to a deep understanding on various subjects taught in schools but without objectives.
“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”
– Einstein
+91 8100556682